Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Rang a 5 dissect a cow's heart!
Ms. Farrelly's 5th class dissected a cow's heart as part of a science project they did, in conjunction with Medtronic. Check out their class blog for more details.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Gordon D'Arcy visits 4th Class

Last week, Gordon D'Arcy, a well known expert in local flora and fauna, took one of our 4th Classes to Terryland Forest Park. They were amazed at all the different plants and trees they found. Check our Ms. Ní Thuathail's class blog for further details. Since Gordon D'Arcy's visit, lots of other classes have taken the opportunity to explore the Terryland Forest Park. In this photo, one of our pupils is holding an oak leaf.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Primary Science Award
Congratulations to 5th class who recently won a primary science award. More details on Ms. O'Shea's class blog.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Beo-A Local History Project in conjunction with DERI
City Schools Hurling Champions
Comghairdeas le foireann iománaíochta na scoile who have just won the City Schools Hurling Competition for 2008. Maith sibh! Ms. Farrelly's class blog has details of the the match.
Medtronice work with Rang a 5 to develop Scientists of the future

Our class has been selected to do a science project sponsored by Medtronic. Laura was our mentor for the project. She's biomedical engineer. She works in the r and d -research and devolpment unit in medtronic. She makes stents to cure arteriosclerois. Arteriosclerois is a disease where plaque builds up in your arteries. Stents are like balloons. They look like springs. On the next visit we will disect a cow's heart. We also might do some surgery on Keyhole Ken. Keyhole Ken is a model of a human body made of papier masche and newspaper. In June there will be a night in a hotel where we'll present our project.
Write a Book Project
Congratulations to all the children who took part in the Write a Book Project 2008. The winners will receive their prizes on Monday 16th June in the Teaher's Centre. Maith sibh!
Monday, June 09, 2008
A reminder that tickets can be bought for our forthcoming school show, High School Musical, at the Town Hall Theatre, or from the school secretary.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Young fans all around the city will be delighted to hear that High School Musical has arrived in Tirellan, Galway. Scoil San Phroinsias are proud to present HSM, the show, in the Black Box on Tuesday June 17th and Wednesday June 18th. There will be 2 performances each day-a matinee at 3pm and an evening show at 8pm. Children from 2nd to 6th classes are involved in the show. Tickets are available now from the Town Hall Theatre and from the school secretary.
Going Green
The pupils and staff of Scoil San Phroinsias have been working hard all year to reduce the amount of waste and litter they produce. Our new mantra is Reduce, Reuse, Recyle. There is a Coiste Glas in the school, made up of and run by the pupils themselves, with support from the teachers. They are hoping to apply for the prestigious green flag award next year.
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